Tuition:        $550.00 in advance, $575.00 if invoiced
Date:            June 28-29, 2018
Location:      Albuquerque, NM

Class Status: Cancelled due to too low pre-registration level

Procurement of consultants and independent contractors requires that the Tribe evaluate the bids and proposals of these subcontractors before award. Federal requirements established in the NEW Super Circular and in ‘638 regulations set out guidelines but did not provide the procedures and methodology needed by Tribal staff  for this process. This seminar will provide guidance to program and purchasing staff on the skills and techniques needed.   Attention will be given to determining responsiveness, responsibility, technical evaluation, cost and price analysis, and to conducting a pre-award survey of the contractor. Also, the seminar will focus on analysis of the subcontractor’s past performance, technical abilities, and financial resources. Other topics such as technical proposal evaluation, non-conformity of bids, materiality and minor informalities in a subcontractor’s bid, cost analysis elements and procedures, and examination of the contractor’s integrity will be discussed. This seminar is for all Tribal staff involved in the hiring of consultants, independent contractors, contracted services, and the purchasing of equipment and hardware. 

Hotel Information: meeting location and sleeping rooms –
Courtyard Marriott, 1920 Yale SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106; Telephone #505-843-6600. Sleeping rooms are available at this location, and the $93.00 Federal per diem rate for Albuquerque is honored. This location is just a few blocks from the Albuquerque International Airport, so if you are flying, the location is very convenient.